(Look for the real one in the upper right corner!)
(Look for the real one in the upper right corner!)

Welcome Classmates... 

Our reunion took place on Oct 28, 2023, at Sagebrush Cantina.
Next up... Reunions in 2027 and 2028.
Visit the News Page for news of upcoming reunions.
Visit Reunion Photos to view photos.
Visit Who Came? to find out who was there.

Visit the Guestbook to give everyone your thoughts about our reunions.
Please use the Contact page for any feedback or suggestions.

There's a menu button on every page, in the upper right corner.

It looks just like this: 

Remember The Campus...
where we spent
our mornings!
(Aaaargh... what happened to my locker?)

Remember Free Zuma...
where we spent our afternoons!


A QR code for this site: